We Teach & Inspire
Hello, and welcome to AR STEM LABS! It's simple, we care and are deeply passionate about teaching and empowering all learners, this is our one and only mission. What we do here is more than just cool technology, we have skin in the game. From the top down we’re former educators, and have spent thousands of hours in the classroom as teachers, and a significant amount of time in the real-world as time STEM professionals. As educators, and with our passions and expertise, we’ve led students to the highest accolades, recognition and awards possible in STEM Education, and in the most complex K-12 STEM projects in the world. Now we're here to do the same for you - by providing you with the most advanced and inspiring learning products available today, and for the foreseeable future.
Here are a few of the cool things we have done in the past for/with our students, education and our communities:
* White House Science Fair * - 2016
Invitation by The President of the United States
* STEM Special Projects *
Led students in two of the world’s largest and most complex K-12 STEM Projects
* Capitol Hill *
Met with some Members of Congress
* National STEM Competition Winners * - 2016
STEM Competition by Tech company
* Elementary, Middle and High School Teaching*
Many awesome years of inspiration and student success
* STEM Fellow *
Aerospace and Defense Company
* Business Owner *
Established the standard in the industry
* Corporate Outreach *
Gained mega support for STEM projects from many companies
* 2016 California State STEM Competition Winners * - 2016
STEM Competition by Tech company
* Special STEM Field Trip *
Leading University School of Engineering Program
* Commendations *
District School Board(s)
* External Accreditation Reviewer *
Team Member
* Collaborative Member *
National and State Universities Math/Science Literacy
* Supporting Partner *
AR Software Industry
* Commendation *
County Board of Supervisors
* Gifted, Special Ed. and ESOL *
Curriculum Development
* Inner City and High Achievement *
Math/Science Development
* District Curriculum Specialist *
Math/Science Instructional Coach
* Leadership *
High School Technical Programs
* Awards *
Grand prize winnings valued over $120,000 for our school